Student Calendar

both Traditional & Global

Let’s Talk About It: An Honest Conversation About Sex

TLC 401

A resource for LBC students featuring the opportunity to ask questions about and converse around the taboo topic of sex. All questions, anonymous and otherwise, will be addressed by Melinda Clark of Northstar Initiative who will direct the conversation. The event's goal is to inspire an honest conversation around a healthy view of sex from […]

Fighting For Freedom

Girls meet Biweekly at 7pm Guys meet weekly at 8pm  Contact Josiah McClymont or Katrina Linenfelder for location

Pickleball Tournament

Tennis Court

SGA and Intramurals is hosting a staff + student involved pickleball tournament this afternoon. There will be a bracket with bring your own paddles, as well as a pickle eating contest, hotdogs and other food items available.

FFC Meeting

TLC 401

Finishers for Christ meeting where officers will lead time of prayer, teaching, sometimes games, and split into small groups. In the small group time, students will talk about how they are doing personally and spiritually, engage in Bible study around a specific topic, and pray.

Who am I?

GSC 201

Dancer Afnan Lieb will lead us into lyrical dancing connecting it with a time of prayer. This is our Womans history month event.