Student Calendar

both Traditional & Global

Day of Prayer

No classes 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM.  Classes resume 10/1 at 5:00 PM.

Chapel | Amy Thurston

Good Shepherd Chapel 901 Eden Rd, Lancaster, PA, United States

Book Swap

Multipurpose Room

This event will invite students to bring a copy of their favorite book to "swap" for another book. Students can also bring a copy of a book they maybe would no longer like anymore to swap for a new book. We will be talking about our favorite books as we swap the books and enjoy […]

ISF Homecoming

TLC 401

Monthly even to check on the students and how they are transitioning to the culture. A meal and time of prayer.

Fall Break

Break begins: 10/12 @ 7:00 AM.  Classes resume 10/16 @ 7:00 AM.

Chapel | Coach Jon Mack

Good Shepherd Chapel 901 Eden Rd, Lancaster, PA, United States