
A Humanitarian Aid Ministry


Unto U.S. Headquarters
2001 West Plano Parkway, Suite 2200
Plano, TX 75075

Unto Global Logistics Center
1506 Quarry Road
Mount Joy, PA 17552

As the Humanitarian aid ministry of Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ, International), Unto expresses the kindness of Jesus to people in the toughest places on earth by relieving suffering, Restoring dignity, and revealing hope. From our Global Logistics Center, Unto prepares and ships humanitarian aid supplies to over 30 countries throughout Africa, the Middle East, Latic America, and Central and Southeast Asia.

Agency Representatives Contact Info:

Steve Baker
(610) 316-5626

Joseph and Tabitha Shilalo

Matthew Hiller
(484) 889-9069

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