WEC International

Worldwide Evangelization for Christ


Camp Hill
709 Pennsylvania Ave
Fort Washington, PA 19034

Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC), International is a multicultural, interdenominational missions agency focusing on evangelism and church-planting in the 10-40 window.  WEC started in 1913 with the pioneering efforts of C.T. Studd, a famous English cricket player who inherited a fortune then gave it all away.  He became a missionary to China, followed by India and Africa.  Today the agency he founded deploys 2,000 missionaries to 80 countries around the globe and has a diverse workforce coming from 90 different nations.  Our motto, in the words of Studd, is "If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for him."

Agency Representatives Contact Info:

Jon Schultz
(215) 660-1665

Matthew Cummings
(714) 396-4573

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