missions conference logoMonday Evening -Thursday, February 3-6

Sponsored and led primarily by our Student Missions Fellowship, in collaboration with CML, this year’s theme, ‘God So Loved the World That He Gave,’ will feature Dr. Ed Scheuerman, Director of LBC’s Intercultural Studies Program, as the keynote speaker. Additionally, we are excited to welcome several missions agencies as exhibitors, offering you the opportunity to learn more about their work and discover ways to get involved.

As a full-time student, attendance at the Missions Conference is required just as classes are required.  Make Missions Conference a priority in your schedule, so seek to attend as much as possible.

Residents consider attending sessions with your section! Residents will be having dinner with their sections on Monday evening. Ask your RA for details. Make sure to invite your commuter friends to join you!

As a full-time student, attendance at the Missions Conference is required just as classes are required.  Make Missions Conference a priority in your schedule, so seek to attend as much as possible.

Residents consider attending sessions with your section! Residents will be having dinner with their sections on Monday evening. Ask your RA for details. Make sure to invite your commuter friends to join you!

Break-out Sessions Topics

These break-out sessions are located in various locations around campus, make sure to look at the room number.
For every TWO break-outs you attend, you will receive ONE chapel swipe. This means you have the chance to receive up to THREE chapel swipes for break-outs during the week. Attendance taken at each session.

SMF's Project of the Year