Get Ready for Your First Class

The following steps should help guide you through the remainder of your on-boarding process. Please take your time learning about these items. They are meant to help make your adjustment as an LBC college student easier.

  • Technology: You will need a computer to complete your assignments. A Windows machine is recommended. A Mac would be the second option. Chromebooks and tablets are not recommended as they do not allow the full function of Microsoft Office, which will impact some of your assignments.  While there may be financial aid available to help cover the cost of a computer, this money will not be available until mid-semester. Please make other arrangements in the meantime including borrowing a family/friend’s computer, using a computer at a public library, or purchasing a computer at a local electronic store where a payment plan may be an option.
  • LBC Email Setup: Set up your LBC email using the credentials provided in the “Let’s Get Started” email. Check this email daily for important information, updates, etc. After this email, all LBC communication will be sent to your LBC email only.
  • Microsoft Office Suite: As an LBC Global student, you are eligible for Microsoft Office Suite. Click HERE. Use your LBC student username and password to download the Office package.

Prepare for Your Course

  • Student Portal: Please visit the Student Portal where you will be able to access your Financial Aid, Payment Dashboard, Canvas courses, your LBC email, the LBC Store, Ally Center and so much more.
  • Online Classes: Each of our 16-week semesters (fall, spring, summer) are comprised of two 8-week sub-terms (sub-term A and sub-term B). The course will open 10 days before the start date for viewing purposes. Use this time to review the syllabus and begin the first week’s assignments. Lectures are pre-recorded and can be watched throughout the week as your schedule allows. Discussions are online conversations. Professors will provide a topic or question. Each student will then “discuss” the topic by posting their thoughts and replying to classmates’ posts. While most assignments will be written papers, there some courses that have quizzes/exams that will be taken online.There will be a weekly, 30-60 minute zoom session. The day and time will be announced by the professor at the beginning for the course. This is not a formal teaching time, but a time to connect with your classmates and professor, ask questions and build community. If you are unable to attend the zoom session, you will be able to watch the recording and submit a reflection for points. Outside of the zoom session and assignment deadlines, work can be completed throughout the week as your schedule allows. Students should plan on 16 hours of schoolwork a week per course. If you plan to take two courses at a time, please plan on 32 hours of schoolwork a week, approximately 5-6 hours a day.
  • Curriculum Sheet and Projected Graduation Date: Below is a link to your Curriculum Sheet which shows what courses will need to be completed to earn your degree. Your graduation date is based on the number of credits that need to be completed and how many credits are taken each sub-term. To calculate your projected graduation date, click on the Graduation Calculation form and follow the instructions.
  • Textbooks: All students are enrolled in Slingshot Choice, a subscription-based service that automatically delivers required course materials before a course begins. As a new student, you will be enrolled to RENT books that will need to be returned. If you prefer to purchase your books, (new, used or digital), you may change your preferences by logging into the Lancaster Bible College Campus Store using your LBC email and password that was provided in your Let’s Get Started email. Please visit Lancaster Bible College Campus Store to view how (hard copy or digital) and when your books will be delivered prior to the start of your course.View a short video tutorial to learn how to change preferences, verify shipping address, receive tracking information and more. The cost of the books will be charged to your student account. Please reach out to Slingshot customer service at 888-392-2930 or at
  • Canvas, Zoom and Microsoft Word: Learn how to submit assignments and view grades, join a Zoom meeting and so much more before courses begin. FAQ for Students. Please view the Microsoft Word for Beginners video if you are not familiar with Word as many of your assignments will be completed in Word.
  • Ally Center:  The Ally Center provides Writing Services, Academic Mentoring Services, ESL Services and Accessibility Services at no charge to LBC students. Their team provides anything from time management and study strategies to webinars, tutoring, writing resources and more. Please contact them at 717-560-8210, or schedule and in-person or zoom appointment on their website.
  • LBC Library: The LBC Library is a great resource providing books, ebooks, articles, journals and more.

Financial Aid Use

  • Financial Aid: Financial aid includes federal grants and student loans. To qualify for Federal Student Aid (student federal loans), you must be enrolled in at least 6 credits (2 courses) in the semester you are seeking aid. Your financial aid offer letter can be viewed through “My Financial Aid” in the Student Portal. Select “Financial Aid Overview.” Please contact your Financial Aid Counselor at for more information regarding your aid.

You are Invited!

  • Student Life: We want to help student flourish inside and outside the classroom. The Word encourages us to fellowship with other believers. Through Global Student Life, you can connect with other students, build community, study the Word and pray for each other through Coffee & Devotionals, prayer chains and more. For more information, email for more information.
  • Student ID: Request your LBC Student ID to access online resources and services at LBC Library. (A Student ID is not required for students enrolled in the online program)

Student Support Team

Departments: Below is a list of contacts for any questions you may have. It is helpful to print or save the chart below.

Department Questions Related to… Email Phone
Ally Center Time management, study strategies, tutoring, writing resources, etc. 717-560-8210
LBC Store Ordering textbooks or LBC swag 888-392-2930
Help Desk Technology issues
Financial Aid Financial Aid, FAFSA, Scholarships, etc.
Library Books, articles, journals, ebooks, videos 717-560-8250
Office of Digital Learning Technology issues specific to Canvas 717-584-1826
Solution Center Billing 717-569-7071
Success Coach Degree requirements/path, course schedule, academics, etc. 717-560-8200 x